Current Society - The Shrinking (Limited) Mind

The people in charge should be ashammed of what they are trying to pull off, NO SUGAR for Developing Minds, Limited dictoinary defenifitions and missing words during searches on handheld devices, (get yourself a paper dictionary) - Limiting the mind, hiding the important words that you need to know, people being bombarded by subliminal messages in all forms of digital technology and digital television. The all in line (mental trap) everyone who has a subject they are interested in, once researched on the internet (especially when a video is watched) become a fanatic regarding said subject. The single mind, single subject (thought process) becoming the norm, there are more purposes than one action meaining one specific purpose only. Its called multifuctioning minds these individuals can still have, for example one item and find multiple purposes for said item, they do not limit their minds to a single thought, they utilize their minds and find multiple purposes for the item or idea. Be very aware of whats happening, expand your mind (we still currently have Libraries use them), I am a free thinking individual with a beautiful multifuctioning (enhanced) mind.