Living Amoungst Negative Minded Single Thought Process Zombies

YES, the current population has many, many Negative Minded Single Thought Process Zombies. Its only a matter of time before they start to attack. Protect yourself, information is power, some things you will need to practice, Stabbing Watermellon with eye balls throught the eye ball, it is very difficult to overcome the human discust - repulsion of doing so but It may just save your life one day. The fact that they think everything is just hunky dory with society, shows you there minds are not functioning correctly, even when presented with truthful opposing facts they negatively still believe negative falsehoods and act violently from their unbreakable beliefs (they are functionally brain dead). All it takes is someone to spread lies about you for a group to attack, never actually finding out the truth, of why they are attacking in the first place (Really it doesnt matter what is said in response - or to try to break there mental pattern, they are programmed mentally to attack "FELLOW AMERICANS"), it is a weeding of Mankind that is currently happening, those who are negative (zombies) will be lead happily to there demiss, those with the moxy to strive many survive. Good Luck!

Zombie Test (Joke), Whats the problem with Zombies, You can't tell them a JOKE!!!

The big difference is that we are biological computers however we also have emotions (which computers dont), we are programmed from birth with many little programs (like learning about the dangers of the kitchen stove when you were a child - you may have gotten burned) thats a lesson but for this purpose we will call it a program. Some people utilise their emotions first prior to mental contemplation, these people are emotion first reaction thinkers, not contemplation first reational thinkers. Well, the emotion first reactional thinkers are having a very difficult time with the manipulations of modern digital technology, they are further and further being manipulated to actually stop using their rational thinking process (frontal lobes) in lue of emotional negative stimulas (with countless negative falsehood stories), they at a minumum have brain damage or a short circuted smaller use brain. Basically using a smaller and smaller amount of the brain and ultilizing more and more emotions prior to mental (if at all processing), these people are emotional, ask yourself can an emotion calculate logic, NO - it takes a brain, which they can not access, and thats what we are seeing currently in society. More emotion than grey matter being used. We need to develope logic tests and start treating with sedatives the violently emotional - they are trully mentally disabled. At least on medication until positive enlightened thought is observed, and positive creative works (art) are witnessed, then monitored.