25 year old Darth Vader (same look just dimensionally smaller to fit his size at that age), Doors open he walks about 20 feet straight (with the signature Vader Walk) to a console, there is a window looking out on an inhabited planet in the distance, to the right outside the window is the signature ring comming to a center point laser, a smaller planet destroyer laser, on the console there are dials knobs with fequency projecting properties, he slowly decreases the frequency and the inhabitence go out into the streets and start to celebrate, this goes on for a little while, then he starts to slowly increase the frequency and fighting brakes out with the inhabitence, he slowly continues to increase the frequency to a point where the inhabitence start to kill each other, then he fires the laser blowing up the planet, and says "Maybe the next planet I survey will uphold their Wheat and Gold harvesting contracts", on a distant planet a group of 12 people hear the news that cimmiron has been dystroyed and they sit in a circle and start to chant, back to Vader he miss steps and feels weak and sits down, and says "Something is happening to the Force, I must resolve this, take me to planet Thea." Arriving at Thea, Vader exists and walks into a canvern where he puts down his light saber, and sits down and waits, a female voice from behind him says "It has begun, the sect is active." Vader says where are they, the female voice says "The Centeron Galaxy" Vader lays down a large square of Gold and leaves. (Back to the circle of 12 people) The sect starts to get up from chanting and spread out in all directions throughout the galaxy and spread the chant words with as many people as possible. They say amoungst themselves "We must reduce the strenght of the Force" The storm troppers and Vader arrive on Santalum (an outer planet in the Centeron Galaxy) the storm troopers grab a villager and ask who is your Healer (the villager says "Quakel sir, he lives on top of the mountain") the storm trooper shoots the villager then the storm trooper puts his communication device to mouth and says "His name is Quakel, located at the top of the mountain, SIR" Vader says "Eliminate them all and bring him to me" 5-13-2021
Thats all for now, hoped you enjoyed it so far (spell checking comes later) anyone can write a stream of thought, let the others make it pretty later. email computerlove456@gmail.com to add what you think should happen next, if i like it I will give you a writing credit, remember darth vader can not use the force within the presents of a sect member, it just doesnt work, but he has to destroy them or come to some type of arrangement with them