Helping The Meek - 1st Amendment Violations
We believe that Freedom of Speech, is a natural body function of a human being, so other natural body functions also fall in the same category and are also convered under the 1st Amendment. We believe peoples 1st Amendment Freedoms are being broken and taken away from society.
Ask not what your county can do for you, but what you can do for your county, the following items are in need by the MEEK everywhere in America, their 1st Amendment Rights to relieve themselves has been taken away, there are no Public Restrooms anymore.
Uphold the Constitution, Fight for whats right (put yourself in their shoes) and if you can afford it, purchase the following items and when you see one of the MEEK give it to them
A healthier way of thinkng about them is that they are just camping.
You may want to refer them to or Homes On Wheels Alliance (H.O.W.A.) also on YouTube.
It could happen to YOU, most people can not find work after the age of 50 in America. And if they do find work their income does not support the cost of a rental apartment