There is a perfect area surounding our universe, where neither limiting or expanding is occuring. I believe that a collision of light from at least 2 other universes caused the instability that caused the Big Bang and in turn created our universe, so our universe is at least the third.
Who created the first 2 universes is not for me to contemplate. I do know that many things break the so called laws of physics. Like opposite force magnets set up in a circle outer + power with an inner circle - power (set to spin), can be turned into a power supply (breaks the laws of motion) and should last about ten years without remagnifying the magnets.

To calculate E=MC2 Einstein had to mutiply 6 infinities, if you think of a calculable infinity as a universe, then he might have also proven that there are at least 6 universes currently.
New Symbol "RI" = Reasonable Infinity One Per Universe, (calculable by whatever you want to count, like all of the atoms in a universe, but has a limit to the amount in one given universe)

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